About Us

About Sanarks Ventures

Sanarks Ventures is a specialised in the trading of shea butter products and general goods. Located in the Northeast Regions of Ghana, Sanarks is an exporter of organically and ethically produced raw shea butter to markets globally. We thrive to meet and exceed customer expectations through our business philosophy of ‘Quality at Source’. Our dedicated team ensure our products meets the best standards and keep our customers engaged at all times in the procurement process. Our shea butter is renowned for its therapeutic qualities and advantages for skin and hair care. This natural product enhances skin radiance and health and is also effective for the treatment of body wounds and other skin diseases.

Our Story

Growing up in Northern Ghana, the shea tree was both a source of fruits, nourishment and playing ground for us and our friends whiles our parents worked in the farms. The shea tree is a gorgeous source of pride for my people due to the several products and sources of food that we made from the fruits we picked. The nuts are a wholesome food source which can be processed into 100% consumption without wastage. My family have developed special receipts for several decades from the shea fruit/nut and its butter.

The shea butter is the most delicious source of cooking oil for our community and serves as body pomade and an ointment.

We grew up watching and learning from our grant parents and families produce shea butter both for commercial and domesticc purposes. Our generational and community love for shea butter has been passed from generations to date and we continue to spread the beauty and love for this natural products across the world.

Our Values


We do the right thing all time even when no is watching. We worked hard to build trust with our customers and do our outmost to keep the trust impose on us and our products.


Our customers deserve the best quality products delivered to them as required and at Sanarks ventures, we make our customer needs our priority by ensuring reliable supply of quality shea butter products to our customers.


The shea tree is our pride, and we adopt sustainable measures to ensure these generational resources remains a valuable part of our lives, as we spread the beauty and uniqueness of this natural products across the world


We partner across boundaries with our customers and partners to share and grow the shea butter story and radiance for love of beautiful and healthy skin care.